at Rubin Motorsport

Mit unserer langjährigen Erfahrung stehen wir Ihnen gerne bei modernen oder historischen Rallyefahrzeugen zur Verfügung. Wir freuen uns darauf Sie bei ihrem Rallyeprojekt zu unterstützen.

Grâce à notre expérience dans le monde du rallye, nous sommes en mesure de vous fournir un service d`assistance que ce soit pour les voitures de modernes ou historiques. Nous nous réjouissons de travailler avec vous sur votre projet de rallye.

Thanks to our experience in the world of rallying, we are able to provide you with a support service whether for modern or historic cars. We look forward to working with you on your rally project.



Rallying is in our blood and motorsport technology is our heartbeat.
Our passion and motivation for competitions, drives us to new challenges.


Rubin Motorsport stands for Swiss quality and accuracy. From manufacturing parts to logistics, we collaborate with top quality suppliers and we guarantee and prioritize high standard, precision and professionalism.


Rubin Motorsport offers several years of experience in motorsport industry with a wide range of teams and events, from Group 4 to WRC. We can proudly look back at outstanding achievements in the field.








Rallye Support & Assistance

Classic or modern, your car will be taken care no matter which class you are competing in.

Starting with preparation through tests to the race events, we will provide any service you may required. We can carry out a full spectrum of services and provide all infrastructure to set up your car to precision and adjust it according to your bespoke requirements.

We take care of your car

Your car is in good hands!

From revision of single component up to a full rebuild according to manufacturer guidelines or costumer requirements.

Your vehicle will be safe and always insured once in our hands, from transport to workshop.

Do you need an event insurance? No worries, we can help you find the proper solution.

Want to buy or sell? We are happy to make an evaluation or find the right car for you.

More options

You want to race but your car is not ready or you don’t own one? You can rent it from us, from classic VHC to modern rallies!

Our multilingual team will offer support anywhere you go. We have an international and vast network with access to many manufactures, teams and drivers.

We can make your ideas and dreams possible, by bringing innovation topped with competence and a reliable team.

One company, Rubin Motorsport. You name it, we deliver!

Bosch Modul-Partner

Eine starke Partnerschaft für zukunftssicheren Werkstatterfolg.

Durch die zunehmende Vernetzung komplexer Systeme in modernen Fahrzeugen, werden die Anforderungen an die Werkstatt immer höher.

Fortschrittliche Prüftechnik und ständig aktuelles Fachwissen, bilden die Grundlagen und zusammen mit Bosch qualitäts Ersatzteilen, können wir beste Leistungen für ihr Fahrzeug sicherstellen.


Since 2006


Sport&Wellness Solutions GmbH

Simmentalstrasse 106
CH-3647 Reutigen
Phone: +41 33 657 00 96
Mail: rubin.motorsport@gmail.com
TVA: CHE-324.489.975 MWST

Sport & Wellness Solutions GmbH  Rubin Motorsport     Adresse: Hanibühlweg 8, 3647 Reutigen   Telefon: +41 (0) 79 505 99 73 E-Mail:rubin.motorsport@gmail.com Copyright: Rubin Motorsport; Layout easyname.ch AGB DATENSCHUTZ